Verifika 1.6.5 Final l 23,33 Mb
Verifika is a software tool that helps to locate and resolve formal
errors in bilingual translation files and translation memories. It
detects formatting, consistency, terminology and spelling errors in the
target language. All detected errors are included in a report which
allows to conveniently correct them with no external software tool (such
as TagEditor) required. Verifika features an internal editor for
reviewing and amending translations. For many error types, Verifika also
offers an auto-correction feature. Its powerful search feature allows
you to perform further corrections if necessary.
What does differentiate Verifika from other tools?
Editing on the fly. You can change segments to resolve errors directly in the report which saves a lot of time and thus money.
Re-checking on the fly. As soon as you make changes in a segment, it gets re-checked immediately to make sure you did not occasionally introduce other errors.
Auto-corrections for many errors. Verifika suggests auto-corrections where possible; in such cases you can resolve errors in just one click.
Terminology check detecting and learning word forms. You can import a tab-delimited terminology file, and Verifika will automatically detect potential word forms for your terms; all you need is to review and confirm. It also detects and reports forbidden term translations.
Built-in spell-checker. You can use Microsoft Word or Hunspell engine to detect and correct spelling errors without the need to open a file in Word or another application.
Re-checking on the fly. As soon as you make changes in a segment, it gets re-checked immediately to make sure you did not occasionally introduce other errors.
Auto-corrections for many errors. Verifika suggests auto-corrections where possible; in such cases you can resolve errors in just one click.
Terminology check detecting and learning word forms. You can import a tab-delimited terminology file, and Verifika will automatically detect potential word forms for your terms; all you need is to review and confirm. It also detects and reports forbidden term translations.
Built-in spell-checker. You can use Microsoft Word or Hunspell engine to detect and correct spelling errors without the need to open a file in Word or another application.
What common functionality does Verifika support?
Support for all popular file formats: TTX, ITD, SDL XLIFF, MemoQ and MemSource XLIFF (including memoQ 6 formats) and other XLIFF files, TMX and WordFast TXML, bilingual Word files, Idiom XLZ and LionBridge XLZ.
Support for all popular file formats: TTX, ITD, SDL XLIFF, MemoQ and MemSource XLIFF (including memoQ 6 formats) and other XLIFF files, TMX and WordFast TXML, bilingual Word files, Idiom XLZ and LionBridge XLZ.
Search in source and target and replace in target. You can search for some particular text or for text patterns using regular expressions and replace the text as necessary.
Segment viewer synchornized with the reports. You can view segments in context to make the right decision, you can edit files in this segment viewer/editor, and it keeps synchronized with the report: as soon as you switch to another error, the respective file and segment will open in the veiwer/editor. ou can also disable synchronization if you like.
Export to Excel. You can export errors from current report tab or from all tabs to an Excel file, and you can select if they are saved to an older Excel format (.xls) or a new one (.xlsx). You can also export search results to Excel.
Hotkeys for routine operations. Verifika provides a lot of hotkeys to perform routine operations faster.
What other nice and helpful features does Verifika provide?
Rich sorting, grouping and filtering options in the reports. You can sort errors according to your needs, hide unnecessary errors, filter them on different criteria and group together by many attributes.
Copy error information easily. Just select an error and press Ctrl+C, and all the information regarding the error is copied to the clipboard, so you can easily paste it to an e-mail message, an online chat or wherever you want to. In case of rich text format, the error will be highlighted just like in the report.
Automatic detection of potential untranslatables. There is a built-in tool that detects potential untranslatables in your project files. All you need is to select necessary untranslatables and add them to the list by clicking a button. Once you have your list populated, it will be used in some checks to reduce the false positives rate even if you selected not to check for untranslatables directly.
Intuitive user interface. Virtually all our users admit that the UI is very transparent.
OS : MS Windows® XP SP3, Windows Vista® SP1 or later, Windows 7 x86 and x64 versions
Language : English
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