Friday, January 31, 2014

WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET v9.1.1.5 Full Serial

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WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET v9.1.1.5 x86/x64 Full Serial uploaded   l  49,46/49,65 Mb

ABCpdf DotNET. It is a handy tool that will allow you to create pure dynamic PDF documents or to read and modify existing PDF documents. These can either be saved to file or streamed direct to a client browser.ABCpdf supports a vast range of image formats including JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, EXIF, WMF and EMF. It supports multiple frames so you can convert multi-page CCITT or Group 4 Fax TIFFs to PDF documents.You can either reference fonts, keeping your PDF documents lightweight for distribution on the web. Or for guaranteed fidelity of reproduction you can subset and embed fonts into your PDFs.

What’s New?
Updated HTML rendering engines for MSHTML and FireFox
WordGlue integration for DOC and DOCX conversion
Export to Photoshop PSD format
Low level helper functions for dealing directly with PDF internals

WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET v9.1.1.5 x86 Full Serial uploaded   l  49,46 Mb
WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET v9.1.1.5 x86 Full Serial keep2share  l  49,46 Mb

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WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET v9.1.1.5 x64 Full Serial keep2share  l  49,65 Mb

Diposting Oleh : Unknown ~ Blogging, Trik, Tips, Free Software

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2 Responses so far

  1. Unknown says:

    Bukan cuma postingannya yang keren, blognya juga mantap ^^

  2. Unknown says:

    Sip gan, thanks dah mampir ^_^

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